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Travel Bag

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Travel Bag A journey of a thousand miles begins with a trusted travel bag. At Bagman, we believe one of the most important parts of that journey is packing smart. No single piece of luggage is perfect for all kinds of travel. That's why there are so many types of luggage, travel bags and backpacks to choose from. To help you decide, ask yourself: What types of trips you'll take (e.g., hotels, camping, international).What kinds of activities you plan to do (e.g., trekking, hiking, cycling).How many possessions you want to bring.
    Travel Bag S05-055FOL-03 - RED
    Foldable Travel Bags Foldable travel bags are the best solution for excess baggage accumulated from long trips. They can be folded into the size of a toiletry pouch and taken along on your journeys, while taking up minimal space in your travel bag. When needed, they can be unfolded to become a full-sized travel bag.
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    Travel Bag S05-055FOL-13 - TURQUOISE
    Foldable Travel Bags Foldable travel bags are the best solution for excess baggage accumulated from long trips. They can be folded into the size of a toiletry pouch and taken along on your journeys, while taking up minimal space in your travel bag. When needed, they can be unfolded to become a full-sized travel bag.
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    Travel Bag S05-394STD-21 Dark Grey
    Duffel Bags The traditional duffel—minus wheels and pull handle—is lighter than its rolling counterpart, easier to store (no rigid parts, so it folds up smaller) and friendlier to your budget.
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    Travel Bag S05-055FOL-01 - BLACK
    Foldable Travel Bags Foldable travel bags are the best solution for excess baggage accumulated from long trips. They can be folded into the size of a toiletry pouch and taken along on your journeys, while taking up minimal space in your travel bag. When needed, they can be unfolded to become a full-sized travel bag.
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    Travel Bag S05-055FOL-11 - PURPLE
    Foldable Travel Bags Foldable travel bags are the best solution for excess baggage accumulated from long trips. They can be folded into the size of a toiletry pouch and taken along on your journeys, while taking up minimal space in your travel bag. When needed, they can be unfolded to become a full-sized travel bag.
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    Travel Bag S05-060FOL-13 - TURQUOISE
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    Travel Bag S05-392STD-01 - BLACK
    Duffel Bags The traditional duffel—minus wheels and pull handle—is lighter than its rolling counterpart, easier to store (no rigid parts, so it folds up smaller) and friendlier to your budget.
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