Look from the style, designwill be different to different people, people of different ages have their preferred style, general brand bagscompany has the specialized design team, can alwayscater to the contemporary popular styles, which is one of the bags your truth, rather thanun-brand handbags factory there is no specific design personnel, the design of some main imitation brand, you will not find any differenceif youdon’t see them carefully. As the comparison, you will find thatthe imitation brand bags there is always a little deficiency, because the strength of the company, the production equipment and management gaps, the more small place more difficult convincing fake bag, it always reflect in external decorative, hardware accessories,the shape and position ofthe ornamentsandthe quality, andstereo feeling and harmony ofthe wholepackage.
Sun Team is a professional manufacturer specialized genuine leather wallet and bag, purse, cosmetic bag, credit card holder, passport holder, coin pouch etc. Can Provide you high quality with competitive price. 100%genuine leather material, you don’t worry about quality, imitation bag any more, and have a different experience! Contact :
Mobile Phone:0086
119th Canton Fair Booth No: 11.3F15