For some love bags person ,most of them prefer to collect their handbags especially for Louis vuitton handbags,Chanel handbags and other all like this famous brand handbags have more collection vanue.
But how to collect and storage handbags become a problem ?The reason is that feel fuzzy, for Louis vuitton bag how to preserve its material, wear resistance are problems.To avoid all the problems, the first thing you should do is to avoid infected with dirt bag, so use cheap pillowcase (definitely not the beautiful 220 cotton) to finish the work.
Handbags away from moth
In order to expelling parasite many people put camphor ball in the cabinet of a Louis vuitton bag, actually this is a serious mistake.
In fact, they don't know, the camphor ball will actually cause handbag premature wear, resulting in cracks.
This is a common mistake, is bad for you to storage the handbag ,so please don not put the camphor ball in the cabinet when you storage your handbag.
Inapplicable things not put into your handbag
Something old, such as T-shirt material bag, do not put in the handbag ,because it must keep the pocket.Although the LV handbag is durable ,but still need keep carefully.
At the same time the handbag need to avoid unnecessary stress.When you not use it ,please put it in your cabinet and don't put heavy things on the handbags ,otherwise after a long time ,the paint will crack of the handbag.
Hope these can help you more or less, let you better collect handbags .Both in color and shape as new product and it is always keep it original noble taste.