Bag Factory is making Custom Bags,Wholesale bags and Leather Bags with Your Cusotmized LOGO!
HandBag Factory is located in the center of the World’s Leather City-Shiling Town,China. Our Factory has more than 15 years’experience in the field of producing handbags. As a professional handbag manufacturer, Bags has supply all kinds of handbags to all over the world since 2002.
1. handbags to wallets, purse,computer bags, travelling bags, backpacks,etc.
Here, we sincerely welcome customers all over the world come to us, hoping we can establish long business relationship.
15 years handbag factory | Top quality,prompt delivery | compectitive price |
Our leather bag factory is located in HuaDu,Guangzhou, the city of leather in China,we been supplying all kinds of handbags to our customers worldwide since 2002.
We are making Custom tote Bags,Tote Bags,Leather bags,Backpacks,Wallets,Clutch,Purse,Wholesale bags and Prints Bags with Your Cusotmized LOGO!
we sincerely welcome customers all over the world to negotiate with us and hoping we can establish long business relationship.
We are a handbag Factory in China, Your Custom Designs & OEM are all welcomed!
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Handbag Factory,Handbagbag Manufacturer,leather bag factory,purse factory,wholesale bags, Custom Bags in China.
Custom Bags and Wholesales Bags Are Welcomed !