Old West Leather Gun Belts, Holsters and Replica Pistols
A gunfighter would sooner go into the street without his trousers than without his six-gun. Make sure your western wardrobe is complete with one of our gunbelts. We carry a full line of western style holsters for old west performers and reenactors, Single Action Shooting and Mounted Shooting competitors, and anyone who just likes to go out and play cowboy on the weekends!
We offer a variety of holsters, gunbelts and scabbards in several colors and calibers for those with a quick draw and a keen eye, whether you're a farm hand, rifleman, or just a wild west fan.
Our full line of Western Gun Leather is suitable for the real deal cowboy as well as movie and TV production, living history and reenactors. If you've already got a vintage six-shooter, we've got you covered. If not, we offer non-firing replica pistols and dummy ammunition to finish your cowboy look.
Be sure to visit our Holster Sizing and Buying Guide to get the right holster for your firearm.
Please browse our line, and contact us if you have any questions!
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