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What is the relationship between sample making room and production plant of handbags factory ?

When visiting Guang Zhou handbag factory ,many customers do not know about the sample making room and production plant .Today further bag tells you the relationship between sample making room and production plant .


Guang Zhou handbag factory would consider to separate the sample making room and production plant if they are a factory with certain scale .Sample making room is usually responsible the new style development and settle the problem of technical and standards .The production plant is usually responsible for delivery and production according to the the process standards and flow chart and it resolve the mass production issue .So the division of labor of sample making room and production plant is very clear .The working emphasis of these two departments are very clear .


However, in reality, the boardroom and workshop need to coordinate and help each other. Without the samples from boardroom,the production plant would have no orders .If the orders are not fulfilled well by production plant ,there is no sense that the samples made by boardroom  are beautiful .So board room and work shop must work together to make value for guang zhou bags factory .

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